Intern Abroad Program

Participating in an internship abroad is a practical and exciting opportunity to increase your workplace experience and develop invaluable skills working in a multi-cultural environment. Your internship is customized to fit your needs from beginning to end. From the location, the length of time, and even the total number of intern hours, your needs as a student are the first thing The Learning Abroad Co. considers when pairing you with an internship.

While on your program, you will attend seminars that are designed to help make your transition to your new culture and your future transition from school to the work world a little easier to navigate. To further ensure a personalized experience, you will have meetings with professionals in your field, where you can ask questions, get tips, and perhaps learn of alternative routes to a career direction you hadn’t previously considered.

At the end of your day, you will come home to housemates from other countries or your local homestay family. This is a unique and important aspect of the The Learning Abroad Co. program, enabling you to learn more about other cultures, further enhance your communication skills, and learn from people with different life experiences than you.

What’s included?

  • Pre-Departure Orientation
  • Visa & Immigration Advising and support
  • Financial Advising
  • Custom Internship Placement
  • Housing
  • Airport Pick-up
  • On-site Orientation
  • Welcome Tour
  • On-site Staff Support
  • 24/7 Emergency Assistance
  • Welcome & Farewell Events
  • Live Life Abroad – The Learning Abroad Co’s Authentic Social & Cultural Activities Program
  • Excursions and field trips
  • General Assistance & Travel Advice
  • Health and Safety support
  • International Medical Insurance
  • On-site staff support
  • 24/7 Emergency Assistance

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